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Old Cameras



 The cinematography within the movie, relies heavily on dramatic camera affects, as well as fast paced, fighting sequences, and slow motion is use to build up suspense for the audience as well as an emotional impact within the characters.


The color scheme within the movie can be seen as very dark in grungy with light, only taking place, when Peter is within the same element in trying to embody his father, such as being within Oscorp lab or even when he’s in his room, inventing his web shooter enhancers for his Spider-Man suit.

In both films the villains that take place are both characters who are deeply misunderstood and are socially exiled from the first villain having an amputated arm, who just wants to create a cure, as well as the second villain who has always been bullied and socially overlooked and who is initially scared of his newfound power. Finally find joy in a hectic, chaotic times square scene, where he sees himself plastered on every screen, and finally being seen. As well as him, trying to juggle his relationship with Gwen Stacy, who throughout the movie talks about her future and her plans on traveling to Europe for that all to be taken away at the end, where she is killed off. Within both movies there is great pathos due to Peter parker, understanding the cause and affect, and that the villain isn’t necessarily evil, but someone that is misunderstood and how he always tries to talk and reconcile before every fight which also influences the audience to see the good within the bad as well.

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